
Goodbye beige, hello rainbow

I'm so excited to be guest posting today over at Brocante Home... 

So drop by and hear my thoughts about choosing quality over quantity and how I think we should revolt against a rather depressing and beige definition of quality!


  1. I absolutely adored your post over at Brocante Home! Thank you for it!

  2. Hi Valerie! I loved your contribution to Alison's offerings!
    I want to answer the question that you put to me. . . you made me think, and maybe I didn't go where either of us expected, but I suddenly felt awful for the author, and had to go back and add a bit to my, well scathing criticism, which is what it was, I suppose. But it was so miserably unhappy! And I fell for it! And I spent part of my life with it . . . but that was my own expenditure, and not my best choice of time usage, but most certainly not my worst either. :) How about you? Would you tough it out or throw it out? I've definitely done both!
