
What will 2010 bring? Picking a calendar on Etsy

Every December, I excitedly and carefully select my calendar for the New Year.  I saw this one in a book store and it caught my eye. Would I be torturing myself if I had to look at this calendar everyday next year?

Rachel Hale Baby Love calendar Hmmm... very cute but probably not the best choice given the circumstances.  So I went off to browse Etsy for something more hand-crafted and less torturous.

This little lovely on Etsy would fulfill my francophile fantasies. If I pick this calendar, is a trip to Paris in the making?

I like the sharp graphic brown and white of this calendar and the name "2010 happify calendar" sounds like what I need!

This Mermaid calendar evokes happiness and sunny holidays.

If I bought this one, would 2010 be a day at the beach?

I am seriously in awe of the gorgeous calendars available on Etsy... I can't believe I didn't look there last year.

Which one should I get?????


  1. You know which one I'd chose--THE BEACH--although paris comes in at a close second!

  2. I'm not sure how much you're looking to spend, but I like the patterns on this one and they have templates for making things out of the pages once the month is past: Wall Art Calendar.

    Another difference in "style" - I usually just choose the best of the free calendars we wind up with from insurance companies, car dealerships, etc.

  3. Amy, that calendar is gorgeous! It's cool that they have things to make with it afterwards - I always feel bad throwing my calendars away after I spent so much time picking them out.

  4. Wow - thank you for showing these calendars, hadn't seen them on Etsy and they are wonderful - am going to have to look and find my favourite and then buy it!

  5. I did a calendar post too. Those are cute!!
    I still haven't picked one... But I think I will go with Pin-Up girls and frame the pictures afterwards.
