
Nursery madness

I am wasting the night away, looking at Lay Baby Lay, picking my favorite nursery inspiration boards. And by the way, Lay Baby Lay is pretty much my favorite inspiration site. Her design philosophy is not matchy-matchy - it's unique and inspired and she incorporates both trends and vintage items.

There are many inspiration boards that are cute, but I'm finding I'm drawn to ones that are light, casual, fun, homey and a bit bold and eclectic.

I have a problem though. Almost every single one I'm drawn to is for a girl. And for all I know, there's a little boy camped out in my belly right now.

So these are my favorites. And no I don't expect you to click on every one. Ha! This is more my own sort of personal log for sorting out later... when I know if I'm having a boy or girl.

Surfer girl
Super sweet, clean & modern
Little partner (trying to get into the masculine energy!)
Pink sunsets and tangerine dreams (oh so cute and fun)
Black, white and pop (for the chicest little girl ever)
Sail away (maybe this could do for a boy)
Classic little gentleman (this is up my alley, I'm a bit nervous about charcoal walls though)
Time for tea (I love the idea of a tea-themed room for a girl, unexpected but still girly)
Ahoy little matey (more nautical themage for a boy - why do I like the sea?)
Brights and whites (I think this general concept could go boy or girl)
Jet set baby (stinking cute!)
Pink and navy
Macaron delights (I'm always drawn to French confections)
Steve McQueen Vintage (now this boyishness is more like it. I don't know how I feel about putting up a poster of Steve McQueen with a gun holster and a car wreck on it though).

It was nice wasting the night away. I still don't know how I'll decorate the nursery. But it got me thinking... why don't we decorate our own bedrooms like we decorate nurseries, full of cozy themes and attention to every detail? Food for thought.

Mad motherhood setting in. Signing off...


  1. First of, I am so excited for you. Although I am not a momma myself I know I will go crazy about all the nursery details. And I totally agree on your thoughts about why "we don't decorate our own bedrooms like we decorate nurseries". Thinking about that I actually am about to begin decorating our bedroom soon (since we just moved in) - problem: I can't decide on a color. ;-P


  2. What fun decisions! I'm going to explore some for fun,now. So HAPPY for you! :)

  3. http://www.lizzieallen.co.uk/up_up_and_away_2011/up_up_and_away_2011.html

    Love this wallpaper for a whimsical room. It is girly, though.
    Loved Jet set baby.

  4. Decorating a nursery -- what fun! Love the first picture. That will be my inspiration when I begin start my family :) (Not any time soon though.)
