
Goodbye March (and good riddance!)

I'm checking myself in for therapy today. I'm finding that before I can truly say "Hello" to April, I must say goodbye to March.  It's been a tough month and I want to break out of this state of mind before trying to move into a new month.

I don't understand.  February is a short month.  But it felt very long.  March is a long month but it felt very short.

I don't feel as if I marched towards much in March, rather I feel as if I were dragged by wild horses and barely managed to hang on. And I'm disappointed that I didn't "accomplish" as much as I'd like in March.   SO I'm getting this off my chest.

I did manage to...

Bake that chocolate chip cookie recipe, which turned out to be just "okay" in my opinion.  Not the cookie nirvana I was looking for.  I will say that a sprinkle of kosher salt on the top of a cookie before baking does turn out to be an inspired move.

Visit Punch gym in Austin and get my butt totally kicked twice.  Unfortunately I haven't made it back, but I'd like to go once a week or once every other week so it WILL happen.

Have my house cleaned by someone else for the first time ever.  (In my mind I start humming the song "Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles" from Fiddler on the Roof as I think about this.  That's how good it is.  Can't wait to do it again.)

Go to embroidery class.  I love the concept of classes - you sign up for them in advance and pay money, thus forcing yourself to take action.

Read Soulless by Gail Carriger - one of those strangely modern tales that hybridizes Victorian England with vampires and werewolves with a surprising bit of wit and flair.  Is this what they call "steam punk"?

And decide not to finish reading At Mrs. Lippincote's by Elizabeth Taylor. Didn't turn out to be my cuppa.

I also made the teensiest bit of progress on planning for Paris, although I wish I did more.

And I fit in a couple of thrift store runs, returning home with a giant plastic bagful of clothes. Oh my.

I did not manage to...

Get a new roof.

Make much progress on my writing.  I feel as if I've been pulled by the tides of my life this month and haven't made it happen.  Disappointing to me.

Eat ethiopian food - such a simple task and yet it didn't happen.

Spend as much time working on my blog as I'd like.

Ahhhh... so now all that is off my chest. I guess looking back on it all, I did manage to do quite a bit.  And there were just a few (big) things that didn't happen.  I don't know why I set such high expectations for myself.  But you see, I often don't think that they are high at the time.  I will bear this in mind as I think about what awaits me in April.


  1. I have a comment on the writing thing. While I don't write, except a blog, naturally . . . I have an artist's soul, and I know that inspiration needs exercise and conditioning, just like your body does. Yo are in a season, where you are doing just that, you are getting your head in the right place, opening yourself up to new experiences, feeling new feelings, thinking new thoughts . . . getting ready {conditioning}. You are getting there with every step you take. Forward or backward, becasue you are learning from them. A writer/artist needs that. And without making a direct connection, you somehow know that you need it, and are taking those steps.

    I anxiously await reading of all of your new experiences in your book. :)

  2. Your done list is longer:)

    Soulless does sound Steampunk. Love that movement. It is Victorian and pretty enough for me, mad scientist enough for my husband, and Gothic enough for the both of us.

    Here is my favorite chocolate chip recipe:

    It is from Alton Brown of Good Eats. He actually gives three different recipes, depending on how you like you cookie. We like "The Chewy", but there is also "The Puffy" and "The Thin."

  3. Oh heck, I can't believe you didn't finish Mrs Lippincotes: you missed the best bit!! (My verdict up next week: March ran away with me too...)
    As for steampunk... you know what I haven't got a clue what it is: in any sense of the word.
    Damn it, I'm soooooooooo behind the times!!

  4. @Debbi - Thanks for the encouragement! Writing is very up and down at times. So I'll take all I can get :-)

    @Mikki - chewy chocolate chip cookies are right up my alley...

    @Alison - I did try Mrs. Lippincote! I really liked certain aspects. But there was a melancholy air to it, and to tell you the truth, I run to melancholy too much myself. So I like to read cheerier things to balance myself out. I can't wait to hear your take on it! Maybe I'll find out what I missed.
