
It List: Graphic prints

I was so excited to open this mailer, knowing it came all the way to me from Australia.... and unveil this new artwork for my house.

I've been watching the parade of beautiful, artsy, creative prints and posters on Etsy and blogland for awhile now. And I've been wanting at least one for awhile.  But only recently did I go for it.

I looked at many, loved many, but this simple, striking print from The Love Shop was the one that stuck with me, because it affirms and cheers me on in my quest to do what I love.

It sums it all up in three words and a heart.

Here's several others that also made my Etsy favorites list:



  1. Love it!!!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. I like what you chose (they're all wonderful!).

  3. Hi! Love that poster! AND, how cool is it that you are from Austin AND in the BYW class? I am too! I see from your twitter feed that you went to MP last night -- love that place! Okay better get busy and take a few photos while the sun is actually shining...!

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