
Happy Valentine's Day!


Over the years I've had many kinds of Valentine's Days:  Alone.  Hopeful.  Dreaming. Angry. Fantasizing.  Humorous. Rejecting.  Rejected. Sad.  Happy. Surprising. Romantic.  Relaxed. Creative. Last minute. Comfortable. Sweet.

It can be a day that you love or hate.  And I respect how you feel today either way! 

So I offer you a simple Valentine's Day wish and say "Follow your heart".

p.s. If you're following the Blogging Your Way Class, I'm trying to synthesize all the great things I'm learning there.  This photo above was one of my experiments and I edited it using Picnik.  Very fun!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I hope your Valentines Day is one that makes you very happy this year:) I answered your question on leaving messages at my email. I answered YES, but you can also leave me messages on my blog: The capers of the vintage vixens too. Whatever works for you is fine, I'd love to hear from you too:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens
